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About me


 That was me as a baby- in 1956.  My first year of life was spent in Japan.  Little did I know how that moment would weave back into life some 60 years later!  Since then, between figuring out life and raising a family,  i've had a 30 year career as a Labor and Delivery nurse.  The last 10 years I've been a travel nurse and have learned a lot about people from all walks of life.  Each Human Being I've  come across has a story unique unto themself....All looking for the same things out of life.  My story led me to learning Jikiden Reiki after receiving for myself its healing effects.


 In my work I have observed first hand the results reiki has on people, my patients.  Some outcomes beyond belief.   On a constant level, Reiki can ease pain, reduce stress and help with anxiety/fear in any situation.  While Reiki is not meant as a replacement for conventional medicine, it is a powerful complementary addition to assist the body and mind with what it needs in the moment.   It  is a perfect holistic addition to those in the medical profession as well as anyone looking for easy non-conventional treatment methods.


After completing the requirements,  I traveled to Japan in 2023 to become  Shihankaku (assistant teacher) with Tadao Yamaguchi at the JIKIDEN REIKI INSTITUTE so that I may not only offer treatments, but now also teach others this powerful method of healing available to all living souls.



The Benefits of Jikiden Reiki

Humans  are indeed extraordinary beings!  Strong AND fragile, connected body, mind and heart.   From the moment we draw that first breath we are all subject to outside influences that interrupt our bodies natural flow causing us to become ill or out of balance.  While the body has the ability to naturally heal itself, sometimes it's all too much.  We start to suffer feeling pain or anxiety.   Left unchecked our body/mind weaken and more serious conditions can affect us in a negative way.   Jikiden Reiki is a non-invasive, hands ON method of treatment that can help restore the balance of the body and mind.



  •  Relieves Pain & Discomfort.   

  •  Eases Muscle Tension.    

  •  Promotes faster rate of recovery from Injury, Surgery or Illness.  

  • Effective relief for those suffering Stress, Anxiety or Chronic disease.

  •  Beneficial for Back and Neck issues.

  •  Able to help break negative habits, addictions or mental blocks.

  •  Supports the whole body going through Cancer Treatments.   

  •  Extraordinary effects  and support for those facing End stage of Life.

  • Remarkable results following a Stroke or Head Trauma.







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